
Class 'JPane' not found in

rodiusd 08 Aug, 2013

running Joomla 3.1.1 and CFv4
wanted to test out the pane and panel elements, however got an error when trying to to test the form:

see attached document.

Any idea how to solve this?

Got the following error when trying to attach a file of 47,7kB.
GreyHead 08 Aug, 2013
Hi rodiusd,

There's no attachment.

I checked out Tabs and Sliders using Containers last week. Tabs work fine, there's a little bug with Sliders.

From Memory, Joomla! changed the Tabs & Sliders code in J3 so JPane probably isn't the correct code any longer.

rodiusd 08 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

again the message:

Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.

Very difficult to transfer some thing when you get this message for a file that is 48kB.

Will send the attachment to your pv email.
GreyHead 08 Aug, 2013
Hi Rodiusd,

There was a 200Mb limit on the total of forum attachments, I'm afraid that you happened to be the next person to post after it was reached.

I've increased the limit now to 400Mb so you should be OK for a while.

As I posted somewhere I don't think that the JPane code will work in Joomla! 3. The Tabs and Sliders code in Joomla! has been changed.

rodiusd 09 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

do you know of any plans to fix this in the near furture?
GreyHead 09 Aug, 2013
Hi rodiusd,

Fix what? I've just fixed the upload problem . . .

For the JPane, I've checked the code and the Joomla! 3 version of ChronoForms doesn't appear to use JPane (except in a couple of unimportant places) so I don't know at the moment what you are using in your form that tries to access it.

rodiusd 09 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

the upload has been fixed, but i still have my form error in using the advanced elements.

Include the form that I'm trying to develop and also the error I get when testing the form.

[attachment=0]check panel.doc[/attachment]
rodiusd 10 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

have posted the form that use it. Also included the error that we got.

Any idea what could we do wrong here?
GreyHead 10 Aug, 2013
Hi rodiusd,

Ah - now I can see what you have in your form and where the problem is. I've checked the code for the Pane & Panel elements and there is a bug with these elements in Joomla! 3. There isn't a quick fix that I can see so I've passed the info on to Max for him to look at. (The Tabs and Sliders code was changed in the Joomla! 3 core and the way it is now set up means that the structure of the ChronoForms elements needs to be able to distinguish between Tab sets and Sliders sets in a different way.)

You have a couple of choices here: You can use Containers for the Tabs and Sliders - they work OK (with one minor bug in the sliders for which there is a workaround). Or you can use Custom Element elements and build your one tabs and sliders elements - I've put the code for that below. It's not particularly complex.


To start a Tab panel:
echo JHtmlTabs::start('cf_container_some_id');

To end a Tab panel:
echo JHtmlTabs::end();

To start a new Tab inside a Tabs panel:
echo JHtmlTabs::panel('Tab Label here', 'cf_container_some_id');

The tab will end when a new tab starts or the Tab panel is closed.

To start a Slider panel:
echo JHtmlSliders::start('cf_container_some_id');

To end a Slider panel:
echo JHtmlSliders::end();

To start a new Slider inside a Sliders panel:
echo JHtmlSliders::panel('Slider Label here', 'cf_container_some_id');

The tab will end when a new tab starts or the Tab panel is closed.
rodiusd 10 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

will give this a try and come back.

Any idea when this will be fixed to work with joomla 3.0?
GreyHead 10 Aug, 2013
Hi rodiusd,

No idea - it depends on when Max gets to look at it. Meanwhile the Containers are easier to use for new forms.

rodiusd 10 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

did a test and found that when using the Custom Element we must check the "Pure Code" on the element.

Will try the container solution in the morning and also come back on this one.
You say that there a little bug with a workaround. Could you point to this workaround so that I can start in the morning with all info.

Have a nice evening.
GreyHead 11 Aug, 2013
Hi rodiusd,

If you are using Containers with Tabareas and Tabs then there is no problem; if you are using SliderAreas and Sliders they show up as tabs. The fix is find line 634-644 of /administrator/components/com_chronoforms/helpers/html_helper.php and change JHtmlTabs:: to JHtmlSliders::
  } elseif ( $tag['container_type'] == 'sliders_area' ) {
    $container_open = "\n".'<div class="ccms_form_element">
echo JHtmlSliders::start("cf_container_'.$tag['wf_key'].'");
  $container_close = "\n".'<?php echo JHtmlSliders::end(); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>

rodiusd 11 Aug, 2013
Hi Bob,

thanks, check this out to.
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