
Combining forms from different machines.

amber 07 Aug, 2013

I have created a form on my machine and my colleague has done other part of the same form on his machine.Now what we want to do is combine the forms on my machine. Is there any way to do this ?

Joomla Version : 2.5.14

Chronoforms : V4

GreyHead 12 Aug, 2013
Hi amber,

Nothing that is going to be simple enough to be worth doing I'm afraid. I'd open the two versions side by side in two browser windows and copy and paste over from one to the other.

amber 25 Sep, 2013
Thanks for the reply.
I imported his chronoforms database to my machine🙂
GreyHead 27 Sep, 2013
Hi amber,

Good solution, I didn't think of that one.

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