I found that export CSV action always uses the default field delimiter ( , ) for the first row with field titles. This is regardless of a custom field delimiter set in the Delimiter field under the Settings tab of the action. I generally use a ; field delimiter and choose to have the field titles in the first row.
The action used is the CSV Export [GH] which is the default/only csv export action in Chronoforms 4 (which I am using).
Best regards,
I found that export CSV action always uses the default field delimiter ( , ) for the first row with field titles. This is regardless of a custom field delimiter set in the Delimiter field under the Settings tab of the action. I generally use a ; field delimiter and choose to have the field titles in the first row.
The action used is the CSV Export [GH] which is the default/only csv export action in Chronoforms 4 (which I am using).
Best regards,