
Form not displaying in template helix

florydefoy 17 Jul, 2013
Please help,,
My forms not displaying in template helix,but working very well on other templates.
if i click the test form in admin ,the forms display perfect,but when i click frontend view,it shows nothing,the page just blank.i tried create menu to link to the form, it also not displying the form.when i change the template to template bezz 5 or other template,then the forms shows perfectly.i don't know what is wrong.any sugestions will be very appreciated,and i am sorry for my poor english.
GreyHead 17 Jul, 2013
Hi Flory,

That sounds like a problem with the template, where does Helix come from?

florydefoy 17 Jul, 2013
Hi Bob,Thank you for your respon.template helix ii is from
i am agree that this problem caused from the template,there probably some code or script that block the forms element to display,but i don't know how to fix it.
i will buy you a cofee $5
GreyHead 18 Jul, 2013
Hi Flory,

Thanks - I've never heard of Helix (nothing unusual in that). I've downloaded a copy and, if I can find time, I'll install it and take a look.

florydefoy 18 Jul, 2013
Hi Bob,
i don't know what is went wrong with my forms..
the form is displaying in an article using chronoform plugin,here is the sample.
but if call the form via menu,,it doesn't show anything,here is the sample.
so i think the problem is not coming from the template,but probably from the form it self.
florydefoy 18 Jul, 2013
Form shows perfectly inside article using the chronoform plugin
form didn't show anything if call via menu
if i click the link frontend menu in admin room,it also displaying nothing
in the wizard edit,if i click test form,then the form shows

please help me,,
GreyHead 22 Jul, 2013
Hi Flory,

None of the links in either post show me anything except a 404 message in some cases.

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