
missing the save button

GreyHead 25 Jun, 2013
Hi chevron8,

Do you have the MooTools Upgrade plug-in enabled?

chevron08 25 Jun, 2013
yes i have activate the mootools upgrade but the save button is missing😟

GreyHead 25 Jun, 2013
Hi chevron08,

Sorry, I wasn't clear. It needs to be *disabled* for the CFv3 admin to work correctly.

Does that solve the problem? If not then I think that there must be some other JavaScript problem :-(

chevron08 12 Aug, 2013
also, the mootools upgrade plugin is deactivated but the save button were missing. And i testes the frontend and the backend with firebug for JS Error but all is fine.
Do you have an idear?
Max_admin 12 Aug, 2013

The save button is inside the wizard's body, its right in the center of the screen above the fields beside the preview button.

I also suggest that you use V4 which is more easier to use and has better capabilities!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 13 Aug, 2013
Hi chevron08,

Max is right, the save button is the disk icon in your image. (Sorry I didn't spot that - it's a long times since I worked with CFv3).

chevron08 13 Aug, 2013
yes, Max is right. I need new eyes. can i buy this at amazon, lol!
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