
Make input field read only

NickOg 20 Jun, 2013
What is the easiest way to make a input field or the all fields on form read only? Write some custom code on-load? Are there any other chronoform tricks that I have missed here?
😲 😲

GreyHead 20 Jun, 2013
Hi Nick,

For a single field or a selection of fields JavaScript works well $('input_id').readOnly = true; . For all the fields don't use inputs but just display the content as in the Email Template.

NickOg 24 Jun, 2013
Hi Bob,

Thanks for that. I reckon that I should have taken the javaScript/jQuery path. The formatting I needed was a bit fiddly to use that email template idea - though again - perhaps not.

I was decisive in the end. I decided to replace the text areas with custom code which did work but no doubt ended up more work.

Not a good week one way and another. :?

Next time ....

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