how can i add a delete button ??thanks."> ho to delete a database row - Forums


ho to delete a database row

coppo82 19 Jun, 2013
hi in a new form i display information of a database

banner name and the relative banner image.

i would like to add a DELETE button for each displayed row.

this is the code that i add for display the information.

$data =& $form->data['Xj5egChronoformsDataWerbung'];
foreach ( $data as $k => $v )
echo "Banner Name :{$v['banner_name']}<p>";
echo "<div><img src='/components/com_chronoforms/uploads/werbung/{$v['banner_img']}' /></div><p>";
echo "<p>";


how can i add a delete button ??

GreyHead 19 Jun, 2013
Hi coppo82,

First, I avoid *really* deleting rows - instead a use a status column and mark them 'deleted'. Then check for this in any listing; that way I can get them back if there is a mistake.

There are two ways to to delete a record:

One is to use a link to a separate little form that just says 'Do you really want to delete record xxx???' and has a Delete button. When it is submitted the form deletes the record with PHP in a Custom Code action then returns the user to the original form.

The second way is to use Ajax and have a separate form event to do the deletion (the same code is used for the deletion). This way the user never has to leave the original form.

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