
ChronoForm plugin in Chronoconnectivity frontend?

skittle 14 Jun, 2013
I am curious to know whether it is possible to load the Chronoform plugin inside a Chronoconnectivity frontend listing. I have tried the obvious by entering {chronoforms}form{/chronoforms} inside my Custom Listing settings but this just displays the form name as text. If embedding the Chronoform plugin in my CC frontend listing is possible, how do I do it? (All of my Chrono components and plugins are the latest version.)

Thanks in advance for any assistance/suggestions.

Max_admin 16 Jun, 2013
Hi John,

Did you try to use the "Listing event" config under the "Frontend/admin Editing" tabs ? I think this should do it, and it is explained in one of the CC tutorials on our FAQs page as far as I can remember!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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