
Date field do not display calendar

deltafidesign 12 Jun, 2013
Hi, I have an issue with my template. When I click over the date field no calendar is displayed. With Joomla default template correctly works. What should I check?
deltafidesign 12 Jun, 2013
Ok, I've found the issue. I didn't see the calendar 'cause it was displayed under the background of the DIV where the form is displayed. How can I set the calendar to be always on top?
deltafidesign 12 Jun, 2013
No way, I've tryed using a Load CSS in On Load Events, but always the same.

Any other solution?
deltafidesign 12 Jun, 2013
Up to previous post.

I think I've solved adding this CSS line of code to my template:

.datepicker_vista {
z-index: 100000 !important;
GreyHead 12 Jun, 2013
Hi deltafidesign ,

As it says in the FAQ:

If you are using a different class to style the datepicker then change the first line to match.

babu65 05 Nov, 2013
Hi to all,
I'm using CF for the first time, and is very interesting for me.
I've the same problem, I'm using Joomla 2.5.14 with Roketthem template, I've tried to put
div.datepicker_dashboard {
  z-index: 10000 !important;

div.datepicker_vista {
  z-index: 10000 !important;

as show the FAQs but I can't see the calendar😟
Please can you help me? I'm a newbie :?
Thanks in advance😀
GreyHead 05 Nov, 2013
Hi babu65,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

babu65 05 Nov, 2013
Hi Bob,
many thanks for your prompt reply.
My URL is an alias so for see it you must put in your file Host as follow:

The link is

I've two kind of problems, the first is display the calendar where pick the date, the second is the pagination of CF module that I'd like view as the attachment but every modification I've made on the code don't work.

Thanks in advance for you interesting.
babu65 05 Nov, 2013
Bob, I forgot to say that if I put the form in the Atomic default Joomla template the data picker work, if I put the form on Gantry template the calendar is display but not clear as you can see in to the screenshot attached.🙄
babu65 06 Nov, 2013
Hi Bob,
I've solved the problem of data picker, it was a conflict that I've adjust with the right jQuery Easy plugin setup.
I've another little problem, because I set Field Size to 11, but it is view at 16 as of default.
In the code there is
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_datetime" id="input_datetime_11_container_div" style=""><label>Arrivo</label><input maxlength="150" size="11" class="cf_date_picker" title="" type="text" value="" name="input_datetime_1" />
GreyHead 07 Nov, 2013
Hi babu65,

The 'size' setting is old now and will only be used if there is no other CSS that sets the input width. Please use your browser web developer tools to check what is actually fixing the width.

desertdiana 19 Dec, 2013
I am having the same issue as in the black image by babu65. Plus I do use gantry templates from rockettheme. Searched the code in firebug and can only change the font size but not the space above the day columns to move the day title up. I would also like to change the text less characters like M T W etc.

Any suggestions for me?

Thank you,

babu65 19 Dec, 2013
Hi Desertdiana,
have you check about the jQuery conflict?
Have you try jQuery Easy plugin?
desertdiana 19 Dec, 2013
No not yet, was hoping it was just a css change. I have never used the jquery plugin is it easy?
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