I can see how to launch a chronoform in a lightbox from a link, but how can one launch a chronoform in a lightbox from a button?
any help appreciated,
Hi morse,
Add a button and wrap a link around it?
Hi Greyhead,
As per your tutorials, I am using a Module to call a secondary form (& to style the link) that calls & displays the desired form in a lightbox. That works fine in lanuching the form from an article link, by calling it this way:
<p>{loadposition myModulePosition}</p>
But I haven't figured out how to modify my button code (or the module code) to call the same form, for example here is my existing button code:
<a href="#" class="art-button">Display the form</a>
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi morse,
Please try replacing the # with the form URL.
Now found an answer - I wasnt aware I could use 2 classes on the same element, so now in the module I modified the class to:
class="modal art-button"
works fine, thanks for your previous help Bob