I am trying to use CC to build a list of users from the Joomla user table (user) that belong to certain user groups (table: user_usergroup_map - group_id's 11 and 12). I just cannot this to work, and I do not know why. Here's what I have for the multi-tables settings:
Enabled: Yes
Main table: prefix_user_usergroup_map
ModelID: groups
Join Rule: userinfo.id = groups.user_id (userinfo is the ModelID of the main users table)
Related to: userinfo
Hierarchical: No
Relation type: One To Many
Foreign key: user_id
Left foreign key: <blank>
Where attachment: group_id = 11 (I have also tried using groups.group_id = 11 to no avail)
Order by: <blank>
Limit: <blank>
I have entered nothing on the OPERATIONS or FIELDS tabs.
No combination I have tried can make this work. Any ideas? I am so confused!!
Enabled: Yes
Main table: prefix_user_usergroup_map
ModelID: groups
Join Rule: userinfo.id = groups.user_id (userinfo is the ModelID of the main users table)
Related to: userinfo
Hierarchical: No
Relation type: One To Many
Foreign key: user_id
Left foreign key: <blank>
Where attachment: group_id = 11 (I have also tried using groups.group_id = 11 to no avail)
Order by: <blank>
Limit: <blank>
I have entered nothing on the OPERATIONS or FIELDS tabs.
No combination I have tried can make this work. Any ideas? I am so confused!!