
Creating the form in the wizard but then styling it in code

savvyalex 24 May, 2013

Having trouble figuring out how to create a form in chronoforms with the form wizard but then style it using the custom code. I want to create all of the form elements first and then be able to take that code and add all of my divs and extra HTML markup to make it look the way I want. The form wizard isn't robust enough to do styling like this. So I created the form in the form wizard, and then I went to the code. I made some changes to the layout of the code and added divs and such but if I go back into the form wizard and make a change.. say I want to add another text field, when I save it it deletes the code I changed in the form code. How do I get around this?

Is there no way to first design the form in the wizard and then code around it because each time I make a change in the form wizard it overwrites any code in the form code section. Also I noticed you don't have the "Actions" tab where you can add event actions while working just in the code.

GreyHead 24 May, 2013
Hi savvyalex,

There's nothing special about the ChronoForms HTML so you don't need to add new inputs using the Wizard. You can use your own HTML as long as it is well-formed.

If you use the Form Code box you should set the Wizard Type to Custom on the form general Tab to avoid over-writing it with the Wizard.

Personally I prefer to use the Wizard but use the Custom Element element from the Advanced group to add custom HTML.

Please see this FAQ for a bit more info.


PS Yes you can still use the Action tab if you switch to the Custom type.
savvyalex 24 May, 2013
Thanks Greyhead,

the other question i have then is if i create this entire form with my own form code and HTML, bring it into chronoforms, can people still add actions like you can in the "actions" tab of the form wizard so they can add events and stuff to the form? Im trying to make a payment form and i need to be able to let the developer add events and stuff to the HTML and form code I make.

savvyalex 24 May, 2013
sorry greyhead didn't see the P.S. from your previous post. the only reason i dont use the custom HTML element is because I need to wrap around the form elements with divs and stuff so I can style it the way I need to.
GreyHead 24 May, 2013
Hi savylex,

If you check the Pure Code box in the Custom Element element ChronoForms does not add anything extra so you are free to put in whatever you like.

savvyalex 24 May, 2013
Hi greyhead,

You said you can use the "Actions" tab with a form that is straight code. How do I access this section when I create a form without the wizard? I can't see the form on the frontend because I need to load the form in the actions but I dont know where that is when not editing the form in the wizard.
GreyHead 24 May, 2013
Hi savvyalex,

You use the Wizard in both cases. Just set the Form Type to Custom first on the Code tab.

savvyalex 24 May, 2013
thanks greyhead appreciate all the help
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