
CF4 Joomla3 + X-Editable

esl 06 May, 2013
Has anyone tried using editable fields using bootstrap in CF4?

I have Chronoforms latest release and J3... I built a form which submits the information into a database and then the user is able to go back and edit their information at a later time... what I want to do is take advantage of bootstrap and jquery and make the form fields editable using popup plugin for bootstrap... I came across this site and tried to implement the code but had no luck...

my setup is:
JS loader
css loader
Custom code loader with container div

Here is the jfiddle that I found ...
GreyHead 07 May, 2013
Hi esl,

That's very neat. It is probably possible to do it with a ChronoForm but it would take some work :-(

I've made some progress with a script to use BootStrap with ChronoForms on Joomla 3 (see the FAQs) but nothing quite like this.

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