
Calculating the number of radio buttons selected.. and some

abasel 02 May, 2013
On clicking "Calculate" I am needing to achieve the following:
1) Calculate how many radio buttons have been selected - I am not sure of how to code this.
2) The calculate button must only work if one or more radio buttons are selected.


I Am using Multi Pages to move to the next section.
Max_admin 10 May, 2013

A quick code, not tested though🙂

your radios should have the same class:

var total = 0;
if(rad.checked == true){
total = total + 1;
if(total > 0){
//do here what you need!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
abasel 11 May, 2013
Hi Max, Chronoform generates the following type of code

<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_radio" id="narrowlabel_container_div" style="">
  <label for="NarrowLabel">Mon</label>
  <input type="hidden" name="Monday" value="" alt="ghost" />
  <div style="float:left; clear:none;">
    <input type="radio" name="Monday" id="monday_0" title="" value="0" checked="checked" class="" />
    <label for="monday_0">N/A</label>
    <input type="radio" name="Monday" id="monday_1" title="" value="CLA" class="" />
    <label for="monday_1">Cyber A</label>
    <input type="radio" name="Monday" id="monday_2" title="" value="MLA" class="" />
    <label for="monday_2">Minecraft A</label>
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div id="error-message-Monday"></div>

When I go to configure the radio button via the wizard, I can't see where to set the class. I am probably missing something that is very obvious 😶
GreyHead 11 May, 2013
Hi abasel,

I think that you can probably do it by wrapping a div around the radio block - or in your case, as they are the only radio buttons in the form, use the form class as a selector like this (not tested):
var radios = $$('.Chronoform radio:checked').length;
if ( radios > 2 ) {
   // do something . . .

abasel 12 May, 2013
Thanks for that.. in the end I decided to to calculate it on the second page and then the visitor can simply use the back botton to make changes
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