
Form not submitting.

DL_ChronoFormsUser 22 Mar, 2013
Hey, I'm fairly new to Joomla and Chrono forms so this answer may be simple.

I have a site that is using the same form on two different pages.

It works perfectly on one page, and not the other. Also, there are occasionally problems with the captcha validation. I will type in the info exactly as it is appearing and it does not work.

The form that does not work, does not even redirect you to a Thank You page (as it is supposed to) and as it does on the other page using the same form.

I'm guessing I need to have the other page point to a second form that is a copy of the original, but I'm not sure how to do that.

Please help!
DL_ChronoFormsUser 22 Mar, 2013
I tried duplicating the form, and pointing the 2nd "page" to the new form and it still did not work.

When I test the form under the form wizard, it works. (kinda) it at least doesn't give me the captcha error, and it redirects me to the thank you page instead of just reloading the same page with the blank form. It doesn't pass on the information either.
Max_admin 24 Mar, 2013

Please disable the captcha and retest, maybe there is something conflicting with it ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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