
Edit Image with from CC (with MODEL_ID)

BigStef 13 Mar, 2013
I have followed your topic about editing an image in CF. Works great from my CC main table.
Now I have another CC with one to many joined table. So here I have to modify my form, adding the name of my MODEL_ID before each name of field as it is recommended. This works great for normals fields like i.e. 'Name' wich is now 'ModelId[name]'...
Strangely it is absolutely impossible to make it work for my image upload. I can display the image in my form (don't forget : it is an editing form :-)), I can erase this image, but I can't upload another one.

That's the code in my form, the div concerned by the upload :
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_file" id="eleve_portrait1_container_div" style="">
<label>Nouveau portrait</label>
<input type="hidden" name="AccueilMembre[eleve_portrait]" value="{eleve_portrait}" alt="ghost" />
<input class="" title="" type="file" name="AccueilMembre[eleve_portrait]" />
<div class="clear">
<div id="error-message-eleve_portrait">

In the value for the "ghost", I tried some combination ('AccueilMembre' is my MODEL_ID and 'eleve_portrait' the field name) :

That's the param in my event 'Upload Files' On Submit :
Fields Configuration : AccueilMembre[eleve_portrait]:jpg-jpeg-gif-png
Max Size in KB : 300

And that's all, i put no other params in that event...

When i check, nothing is registred in the Table, and there's no files uploaded in the folder...

Any suggestion to make this work ?
GreyHead 13 Mar, 2013
Hi BigStef,

If you leave the value empty does ChronoForms add the value from the database? I would expect it to.

Otherwise the <?php echo . . . ?> version should work OK.

BigStef 22 Mar, 2013
Hi Bob,
and thanks for your answer... I take some time to come back here because, as i can't find how to make this work (have tried most of possible combination), so i took a few days to instal my site on a test URL, so maybe if you have few minutes one day you can have a look ? Here's the URL :
Test It
I have Debbug on...
Try to edit a existing picture, u can erase it... Try to upload a picture, nothing...

I don't know if you do that kind of things, but if you need to log in backend, username and password are in the URL.
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