get('enable_ajax', 0) === true && empty($dynamic_values)) || empty($source_id) || empty($target_id)){ return false;}I am not sure if it is not going trough this line or not, but afterwards it only depends if ajax is activated or not to trigger the "get". so I think it is somehow hänging somewhere else. Any ideas?Anyone has solved this problem?Thankyou!"> Dynamic Dropdown + Checkbox group - Forums


Dynamic Dropdown + Checkbox group

rubenc 15 Feb, 2013
I found a bug on the Dynamic Dropdown,

I have a form that links two dropdowns, using ajax, and getting the info from the DB.
However ineed that the result is loaded into a grup of check boxes, which is suposed to be possible as well.

Just by changing the "Target Dropdown ID" value to point to the check box group, stops working. I was tracking down why, and then I found out that somehow if the Target ID is not a Dropdown, the ajax event is not even called. and therefore no data is updated in the groupbox.

in the "cfaction_dynamic_dropdown.php"
I found that as long ahs the target_id exists the code should continue isnt it?

if(((bool)$params->get('enable_ajax', 0) === true && empty($dynamic_values)) || empty($source_id) || empty($target_id))
{ return false;}

I am not sure if it is not going trough this line or not, but afterwards it only depends if ajax is activated or not to trigger the "get". so I think it is somehow hänging somewhere else. Any ideas?

Anyone has solved this problem?
Max_admin 17 Feb, 2013
Hi Ruben,

Changing that if statement is not enough, the new options creation code should also change to create the checkboxes, this is not as easy as the dropdown as you have to consider a parent element in the case of checkboxes for proper insertion and removing of checks, maybe this will be added to a future version.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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