
ChronoForms 4 stops Joomla Smartseach from indexing content

RalfHayn 05 Feb, 2013

I am using Chronoforms 4.0 RC3.5.2. Apparently it turns out it stops the Joomla Smartsearch plugin from indexing.

I get following php errors:

2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JDatabase::getErrorNum() is deprecated, use exception handling instead.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JParameter::__construct is deprecated.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JParameter::__construct is deprecated.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JParameter::__construct is deprecated.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JParameter::__construct is deprecated.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JParameter::__construct is deprecated.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JBehavior::mootools is deprecated.
2013-02-05T08:33:11+00:00 WARNING deprecated JBehavior::mootools is deprecated.

I also get following error in my apache log:

[05-Feb-2013 09:33:11] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method JDocumentJSON::addCustomTag() in /var/www/nfs/potter00/domain/htdocs/jupgrade/libraries/joomla/html/editor.php on line 258
[05-Feb-2013 09:33:11] PHP Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: JLoader::$classes in /var/www/nfs/potter00/domain/htdocs/jupgrade/libraries/loader.php on line 195

I've commented out the line 258
in the editor.php file and it worked fine.

I don't like changing Joomla Core Files so I found out that by disabling the "chronoforms" plugin before indexing with smartsearch, everything works fine. After Indexing I just turn chronoforms on again.
GreyHead 05 Feb, 2013
Hi RalfHayn,

Is this Joomla! 2.5?

Then I think that the problem is with SmartSearch - or maybe you need to turn of the Joomla! Error logging. JParameter is deprecated but still in use until Joomla! 3.0.

RalfHayn 07 Feb, 2013
Hello GreyHead,

thanks for your reply. Yes - I am using Joomla 2.5.8. Error Logging is disabled and Smartsearch still stops at the same position when having chronoforms activated.

I think it's somehow too easy to just blame smartsearch. It works well with every other Extension und plugin I have installed (K2, DOCman, ExtendedReg - to name a few).
GreyHead 07 Feb, 2013
Hi RalfHayn,

What exactly do I need to do to replicate this?

I just ran the SmartSearch Indexer on my test site but I don't see any errors. The ChronoForms plug-in is installed and enabled and at least one article has an embedded form using the plug-in.

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