
Chronoforms plugin doesn't work in content items

wilson_x 30 Jan, 2013
Hello, I have a problem with chronoforms plugin, I have an article with a contact form ({chronoforms}contacto{/chronoforms}) but when I try to send a message it doesn't send anything then I made a test with chronoforms component and it works.

I'm using Joomla 2.5.8
Max_admin 03 Feb, 2013
Hi wilson,

Do you have website cache enabled ? if yes then you may have to set the "Relative url" setting to "No" in the form edit page in order to get the form to function correctly on submit, you may use the "redirect" action to send the form to a different url after submission.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2013
Hi wilson_x,

Please also see this FAQ - you may have a problem with <p> tags.

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