
Two different Reply-To adresses in email

bachmaier 17 Jul, 2012

i have tried to find a solution using the search function but i've found nothing concerning my problem.

I've set up a normal form using v4 (on joomla 2.5.6). Everything works normal, but the user and the admin get 2 different reply to addresses in their (confirmation-) emails. One is correct, the other one is my business email address, which doesn't appear anywhere in the form nor in the Joomla configuration. I don't know where this email is taken...

Any suggestions?
bachmaier 18 Jul, 2012
Hi greyhead,

thank you very much for your hint...
However, this was just a partial success.
Now, there is just my business email address shown - the wrong one.
The super admin address is not my business email address. I don't know where else to look
GreyHead 18 Jul, 2012
Hi bachmaier,

I'm afraid that you are in for a search for where your business admin address is set. Neither ChronoForms nor Joomla! are making it up.

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

Note: if you are using the Easy Wizard you may need to switch to the Advanced Wizard to do this; if you want to continue to use the Easy Wizard please make a copy of your form first and add the Debugger action to the copy.

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