How can I prevent the form from erasing data when going back?
Where it's messing up is where I have field names with brackets like this:
<input class="checkbox" name="workshops[]"
value="#93004 - 2:00 - 3:15 pm - Larici & Barrionuevo Civilized: Achieving and sustaining control during pivot moves - calesita/planeo"
type="checkbox"> #93004 - 2:00 - 3:15 pm - Larici & Barrionuevo
(lvl 2)
<input class="radio"
name="TESOparticipant" value="TESO Entrance Per Person, Two Categories" id="TESO2cat" type="radio"><b>TESO Entrance Per Person, Two Categories (includes Milonga)</b><br>
<input class="radio" name="TESOparticipant"
value="TESO Package I, Single Category, Buffet, Milonga & Performances - $20/20"