#93004 - 2:00 - 3:15 pm - Larici & Barrionuevo(lvl 2)It is also deselecting radio buttons like this: name="TESOparticipant" value="TESO Entrance Per Person, Two Categories" id="TESO2cat" type="radio">TESO Entrance Per Person, Two Categories (includes Milonga)value="TESO Package I, Single Category, Buffet, Milonga & Performances - $20/20"type="radio">"> field entries not saved when going back - Forums


field entries not saved when going back

katandmouse 17 Jul, 2012
When the user enters the wrong captcha and has to go back, the form does not remember the selections and many are emptied. The user then reenters the captcha without correcting the form and incomplete data is sent.

How can I prevent the form from erasing data when going back?

Where it's messing up is where I have field names with brackets like this:

<input class="checkbox" name="workshops[]"
value="#93004 - 2:00 - 3:15 pm - Larici & Barrionuevo Civilized: Achieving and sustaining control during pivot moves - calesita/planeo"
type="checkbox"> #93004 - 2:00 - 3:15 pm - Larici & Barrionuevo
(lvl 2)

It is also deselecting radio buttons like this:

<input class="radio"
name="TESOparticipant" value="TESO Entrance Per Person, Two Categories" id="TESO2cat" type="radio"><b>TESO Entrance Per Person, Two Categories (includes Milonga)</b><br>

<input class="radio" name="TESOparticipant"
value="TESO Package I, Single Category, Buffet, Milonga & Performances - $20/20"

GreyHead 17 Jul, 2012
Hi katandmouse,

Max reported a fix for this bug here.

katandmouse 17 Jul, 2012
Thanks Bob. I got the new version. Your site said to just install over the other. It installed as a separate app. At first I thought it overwrote all my forms, but they're still there in the other install. Anyway to get them into the upgrade without having to manually enter them?
GreyHead 18 Jul, 2012
Hi katandmouse,

Sorry I assumed that you were using ChronoForms v4. You have CFv3 on Joomla! 1.5?

Do you have 'Let ChronoForms Handle Arrays' set to Yes on the form General tab?

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