
Adding text AFTER Text Box (text box group) & Email

lodzian 15 Jul, 2012

I already searched here and in other forums for solutions but couldn't find any. Hopefully you can help me.

1. I need a text box group.
2. I want to add some text after the text box.
as it is here:[attachment=0]chrono.jpg[/attachment]

I tried it with the custom element and it even works in frontend but after submitting there is no data of it in the email. It only shows for example: {moebel_1}Stk. Tische

Probably my way of writing the code is wrong (I don't have much knowledge about it):

To have the text after the boxes I wrote in the custom element:

<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="moebel_container_div" style="">
<label for="moebel">Mietmöbel</label>
<input type="hidden" name="moebel" value="" alt="ghost" />
<div style="float:left; clear:none;">
<input id="moebel_0" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="0" value="" name="moebel" />Stk. Stühle<br>
<input id="moebel_1" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="1" value="" name="moebel" />Stk. Tische<br>
<input id="moebel_2" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="2" value="" name="moebel" />Stk. Stehtische<br>
<input id="moebel_3" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="3" value="" name="moebel" />Stk. Stretchhussen<br>
<input id="moebel_4" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="4" value="" name="moebel" />Stk. Tischtücher<br>
<input id="moebel_5" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="5" value="" name="moebel" />Stk. Mietpflanzen<br>
</div><div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-moebel"></div></div>

In the email template I also added the input id, it looks like that:
<td colspan="2">
<div id="moebel_container_div" class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text">
<label for="moebel">Mietmöbel</label>{moebel}
<div style="float: left; clear: none;">
{moebel_0}Stk. Stühle<br />
{moebel_1}Stk. Tische<br />
{moebel_2} Stk. Stehtische<br />
{moebel_3} Stk. Stretchhussen<br />
{moebel_4} Stk. Tischtücher<br />
{moebel_5} Stk. Mietpflanzen</div>
<div class="clear"> </div>
<div id="error-message-moebel"> </div>

Any idea? Or is there some other way to achieve what I want?

Thanks in advance!
andypooz 19 Jul, 2012
Looks like you've done exactly what you needed to. I can't imagine there's an easier way, almost certainly not through the wizard. Are you having any issues with your solution?
GreyHead 20 Jul, 2012
Hi lodzian,

The only content that is submitted by a form are the names and values of the inputs. Any other text in the from HTML is displayed with the form but otherwise ignored.

And if you have several inputs with the same name - as you do - then only the last one will be submitted.

In this case I think that you need to change the names of your inputs like this:
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="moebel_container_div" style="">
  <label for="moebel">Mietmöbel</label>
  <input type="hidden" name="moebel" value="" alt="ghost" />
  <div style="float:left; clear:none;">
    <input id="moebel_0" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="0" value="" name="Stk. Stühle" />Stk. Stühle<br />
    <input id="moebel_1" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="1" value="" name="Stk. Tische" />Stk. Tische<br />
    <input id="moebel_2" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="2" value="" name="Stk. Stehtische" />Stk. Stehtische<br />
    <input id="moebel_3" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="3" value="" name="Stk. Stretchhussen" />Stk. Stretchhussen<br />
    <input id="moebel_4" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="4" value="" name="Stk. Tischtücher" />Stk. Tischtücher<br />
    <input id="moebel_5" maxlength="50" size="1" class="" title="" type="text" container_id="5" value="" name="Stk. Mietpflanzen" />Stk. Mietpflanzen<br />
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div id="error-message-moebel"></div>

In the Email template, you want to add the input names (not the ids!).

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