
Iserting email address in the plugin tag

Kannan1976 15 Jul, 2012
Is it possible to insert an email address inside the {chronoforms}{/chronoforms} ?

like {chronoforms}formname|mailto="emailaddress"{/chronoforms}
GreyHead 15 Jul, 2012
Hi Kannan1976,

Not like that. It may be possible to pass something to identify the page - would that help?

Kannan1976 15 Jul, 2012
Hi GreyHead,

Thanks for the reply.

How do i achieve that ? I'm just placing a form on each article page, each page has it's own email address hence, the need of having the mailto address change.
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2012
Hi Kannan1976,

This FAQ may help depending on how the email is associated with the page.

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