
Email [GH]-Fail when using only a dynamic To (required)

dhfhc 06 Jul, 2012
Is it required to have at least one static address in the To (required) field? When I use only a dynamic address, it gives me:

You must provide at least one recipient email address.
Invalid address: {Email}

But... The Debug lists the dynamic value correctly in the To: info.

If I have a static and a dynamic value in the To (required) field, everything works correctly.

GreyHead 06 Jul, 2012
Hi Tonya,

I suggest that you don't use your email as a user name here as it is published on the web. If you PM or email me I can change it for you.

Do you have an input in your form with the name Email ?

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

Note: if you are using the Easy Wizard you may need to switch to the Advanced Wizard to do this; if you want to continue to use the Easy Wizard please make a copy of your form first and add the Debugger action to the copy.

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