
Is there a simple Check Box Tutorial anywhere?

elijahweb 29 Jun, 2012
Hi, I appreciate all you are doing here... and don't want to bother you with a simple issue like I have... I am simply not able to see the group checkbox show in the form....and I want to get this done today... with out bothering you... I just need a step by step on how to configure...a 3 field checkbox... that's it... thanks!

- Keith
GreyHead 30 Jun, 2012
Hi Keith,

There is nothing very special about the Checkbox group :-( If it isn't showing then there may be a styling/CSS problem that is hiding it somehow.

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

elijahweb 03 Sep, 2012
Hi again... I kind of worked around using the checkbox group in a previous project, but in my current project I must allow for the user to select more than one event.. so I believe checkbox group is the answer...

here's the form link:

This is what is returning in the email I receive:

Select Event(s) {event_checkbox_group_15}

I am sure it's a simple issue - caused by an omission on my end... I have emptied the cache after working on this.. not sure what I am doing wrong...sorry..
elijahweb 03 Sep, 2012
Actually...found the answer in a previous post... I had looked before posting here again, but to no avail... then of course as soon as I posted I found the post here that pointed me to dragging over a handle array now... but now I can't seem to get a checkbox or radio button to be required... so off I go to that... thanks for all you've done...I'll buy you a beer..
elijahweb 03 Sep, 2012
Ok... so I am using Joomla 1.5.26......and chrome on Mac......and V4 on Chronoforms.....and I have a radio box that is required and left unchecked by user doesn't allow for submit, but will not show error so it is confusing to users obviously...

can u help?

I have looked at the code - looks ok... debugged.. no sign of issues......

Max_admin 03 Sep, 2012

I'm not sure what's the problem here, if you don't receive the checkboxes group data in the email then you need to have a "Handle arrays" action before the email, and if the validation is not working then make sure you upgrade to the latest version by installing it OVER the one you have.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
elijahweb 04 Sep, 2012
Thanks for the reply... my main issue is the check box not working if I select required....of course this confuses the user..

I am using the most recent version....not sure what is could be....
Max_admin 06 Sep, 2012
Hmm, you mean the checkboxes validation doesn't work ? if yes then please make sure you have V4 RC3.5, earlier version had a bug, upgrade can be done by installing new one over the one you have.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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