
Auto fill subject field depending on what user clicked

fewcon 29 Jun, 2012

Details are:
- Chronoform Component version 3.2,
- Joomla 1.5.26 and
- Chronocontact plugin version V3.1 RC5.2 installed.

I have a recruitment site I am working on. There is a jobs page with a list of jobs and a "submit your CV" page. The form is put on the page using{{chronocontact}SubmitCV{/chronocontact}.

What I want to do is when the user clicks on a particular job that it goes to the submit cv page but the title of the job is already filled in in a particular field such as Subject or JobTitle.

Can someone tell me if this is possible and what code to put in the link if it is?

Thanks for your time
GreyHead 01 Jul, 2012
Hi fewcon,

If you add a Job ID to the links in the jobs list then you can use a DB Record Loader in the form to use the ID to look up the Job data. Inputs with names that match array values will be pre-populated with the values from the array.

fewcon 02 Jul, 2012
Hi Bob,

Not sure what most of that means 🙂 but I'll look in to it and if I get stuck I may be back.

Thanks for the reply. Glad to know there is a way

fewcon 13 Jul, 2012
Hi Bob,

I figured out that I had to upgrade my version of Chronoforms, no Event area in the previous version. I've done that and I'm in the middle of creating a form. I am at the Events tab and I have dragged a DB Record Loader in the On Load area.

I'm a little confused with what to do next. Do I have to create a database with a job table and then put in the job name and for example, the JobID too or could I create a table within the Joomla table?

If this is the case its ok for me but for the person(s) who will use the site after I've finished developing it this process might be a bit complicated if they had to do it for every job they wanted to add to the list.

Am I misunderstanding something? Is there somewhere else more simple that I can create the list of jobs and JobIDs? You mention array values, could I create an array somewhere that's easy to modify by future users?

Thanks for any help instructions you can provide.

GreyHead 23 Jul, 2012
Hi fewcon,

My apologies for not noticing that you had said you were using ChronoForms v3.2. The upgrade wasn't strictly necessary though as 3.2 is no longer being updated it's probably a good move in the longer term.

If you have a job list at the core of this project then you can either build the list with ChronoConnectivity and link to a form to submit CVs; or you can do as you have and build a listing table using the DB Multi_Record Loader.

I'm not sure I understand your question about the database table. You will need a table to record jobs and I imagine that it will have one record per job. Normally you'd do this in the Joomla! database and have a second form (or forms) to allow you to add and edit job records.

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