This is my first post here.
First off all , I would like to thank to you all for providing this very useful component.
Platform : Joomla 2.5.4 .
Chronoform version : Latest - V4 .
My concern is to use chronoform in side the article or module or custom component . in first installation the plugin named - installed fine. after this
inside article I used like this - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms} . but it displaying same as it is that is same like this - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms} .
After all this I installed chronocomments and published following when I click on any plugin in joomla plugin manager I will php errors, no actual page/no tool bar...etc , only errors. So when I uninstalled this chrnoformcomments all becomes as before.
another problem is , after all I can't reinstall or uninstall the . when trying to uninsatl it saying like this - " Plugin Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found.
Error uninstalling plugin. " . and when I try to re-install it saying file already exist.
So, I would like to know the solution to work when I call form through this syntax - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms}.
I saw in forum post, like this form is displaying but different problem but my problem is form is itself not displaying .
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
First off all , I would like to thank to you all for providing this very useful component.
Platform : Joomla 2.5.4 .
Chronoform version : Latest - V4 .
My concern is to use chronoform in side the article or module or custom component . in first installation the plugin named - installed fine. after this
inside article I used like this - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms} . but it displaying same as it is that is same like this - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms} .
After all this I installed chronocomments and published following when I click on any plugin in joomla plugin manager I will php errors, no actual page/no tool bar...etc , only errors. So when I uninstalled this chrnoformcomments all becomes as before.
another problem is , after all I can't reinstall or uninstall the . when trying to uninsatl it saying like this - " Plugin Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found.
Error uninstalling plugin. " . and when I try to re-install it saying file already exist.
So, I would like to know the solution to work when I call form through this syntax - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms}.
I saw in forum post, like this form is displaying but different problem but my problem is form is itself not displaying .
Please help.
Thanks in advance.