
Call chrnoform form inside a article

PowerOfChronoform 25 Jun, 2012
This is my first post here.

First off all , I would like to thank to you all for providing this very useful component.

Platform : Joomla 2.5.4 .
Chronoform version : Latest - V4 .

My concern is to use chronoform in side the article or module or custom component . in first installation the plugin named - installed fine. after this

inside article I used like this - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms} . but it displaying same as it is that is same like this - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms} .

After all this I installed chronocomments and published following when I click on any plugin in joomla plugin manager I will php errors, no actual page/no tool bar...etc , only errors. So when I uninstalled this chrnoformcomments all becomes as before.

another problem is , after all I can't reinstall or uninstall the . when trying to uninsatl it saying like this - " Plugin Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found.
Error uninstalling plugin. " . and when I try to re-install it saying file already exist.

So, I would like to know the solution to work when I call form through this syntax - {chronoforms}myform{/chronoforms}.

I saw in forum post, like this form is displaying but different problem but my problem is form is itself not displaying .

Please help.

Thanks in advance.
Inormator 28 Aug, 2012
Hi GreyHead.

I have problem, that this do not helped me.

I have installed plug-in [attachment=2]plug-in.png[/attachment]

In the article is "<p>a</p> {ā€¨chronoforms}Registrace{/chronoforms}" [attachment=1]article-source.png[/attachment]

and the form is [attachment=0]form.png[/attachment].

I do not know, where is the problem, because in the article is shown only the text {ā€¨chronoforms}Registrace{/chronoforms}

I use ChronoForm Version 4.0 RC3.4.1 and Joomla 2.5.4.
GreyHead 29 Aug, 2012
Hi Inormator,

All of that looks correct, there is nothing else to do.

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 23 Sep, 2012
Hi Inormator,

Thanks for the login.

1) As far as I can see there is no form with the name Registrace, that would explain why it isn't displaying. (Also the chronoforms plug-in link is inside <p> tags which will prevent the form from working in IE.)

2) The problem with the ChronoConnectivity pagination layout is I think because the template doesn't include the code to lay it out neatly. Please try upgrading to the latest releases of ChronoForms and ChronoConectivity as Max may have added some code to fix this.

3) The links look OK to me - one is the direct link, the other is the SEO URL version. What is the problem that you are seeing?

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