
Urgent: Disabling JS Globally on Form

rlab 07 Jun, 2012

I went and edited my form, in the JS Validation tab, I set Enable JS Validation to No. But when I go to the form, it is still doing JS validation on the form. How do I globally disable JS validation on a form?

Using Chronoforms 4.0RC3.4.1 on a Joomla 2.5.4 site.

Thank you.
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2012
Hi rlab,

I don't think that there is a global 'unvalidate', if you un-check the validation boxes on each of the form elements that will remove the validations.

rlab 08 Jun, 2012
Hi Bob,

What is the Enable JS Validation parameter for in the JS Validation tab then?

It seems to me that this is what it should mean and there is a bug that the validation is not disabled when you set it to No.

Thank you.
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2012
Hi rlab,

I checked the code and here's the logic that is currently being used in pseudo-code:

[code]IF 'Load ChronoForms Files'* is set to 'Disable Completely' then load nothing.

(a) 'Enable JS Validation' is set to Yes
(b) 'Auto Detect Settings'* is set to 'Yes'
AND The string 'validate[' is in the Form HTML
THEN Load the files* [/code]
* On the Form General tab

** Which files depends on the 'Load ChronoForms Files' setting; either 'All Files' or 'Necessary Files'.

Max_admin 10 Jun, 2012

Try to set "Enable Validation" to "No" and "Auto Detect Settings" to "No".

Or simply remove the "validate" class from all your fields classes ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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