
Alert Popup Box Way Off Page

LikeStuff 04 Jun, 2012
When a field is required the little box pops up to inform users that they need to fill in their info. This box works fine on all fields except the "Date Picker" field. The box does pop-up but it's way over to the left of the page rather than directly above the field.

Any idea why this may be happening?

Thanks in advance!!
GreyHead 05 Jun, 2012
Hi LikeStuff,

Have you checked **both** required boxes in the Datepicker element configuration? It's a bit odd but you do need to check both if you are using the default Datepicker library (one is OK for the optional MooTools Datepicker library).

LikeStuff 05 Jun, 2012
Hi GreyHead,

Default Date Picker:
This is really strange. When I check both boxes, as per the attached, it skips the validation on the date field and ALL fields below that that has the validation on it.

When I check only one box, the validation works but the issue above exists.

MooTools Date Picker:
When I use the mootools date picker I get the same issue as above.

GreyHead 05 Jun, 2012
Hi LikeStuff,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

LikeStuff 05 Jun, 2012
Sent it privately. Thanks in advance!!
GreyHead 06 Jun, 2012
Hi LikeStuff,

I can see the problem but I can't see what is causing it :-(

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