
Would ChronoForms Work In This Manner?

bqwhitten 02 Jun, 2012
I am a photographer and graphic designer and I have a need for a program or plugin that works with Joomla 2.5 in the following manner:

I need an image uploader system so customers can upload JPEG image files to me. There may be 1 - 15 images sent at a time. In addition to the images I need to collect some basic customer information like name, address, e-mail and other questions submitted at the same time as the image files.

ChronoForms was recommended as being a program that would handle this. I was hoping that someone knowledgeable about CF would confirm this is true or not.

The interface would look something like this:

File Upload Page

Customer Name (Text Box)
E-mail (Text Box)
Phone (Text Box)
Address (Text Box)
City (Text Box)
St (Text Box)
Zip (Text Box)

Question 1 (Text Box for Answers)
Question 2 (Text Box for Answers)
Question 3 (Text Box for Answers)

Image #1 (File name box) (Browse for file button)
Image #2 (File name box) (Browse for file button).

Submit Button

Any suggestions or comments would very welcome.
GreyHead 03 Jun, 2012
Hi bqwhitten,

The answer techically is 'Yes you can do this with ChronoForms'. But the support for multiple file uploads and progress tracking is pretty basic. You might be better looking for a Joomla! module that is more focused on this task and has a better upload interface.

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