I have the list working fine, but cannot figure out how to add a link to one of the fields to take the the viewer to the form to display the full form.
Hi Max,
Thank you for the help! I am nearly there!
I have added the model id and field (in my case: capsvcm.CardID) into the edit fields in the front end list settings tab and the link is showing up correctly when I click on "Frontend View". I have also configured my form with the app name so that it shows up in the front form list and I have selected it. Now when I click on the listing field I am taken to the correct form (yea!!) however the form is empty. I am not sure where to tell Chronoconnectivity to pull the Record based on capsvcm.CardID into the form?
[capsvcm] => Array
[ID] => 1
[Fname] => T. G.
[Sname] => Caperton
[Rank] => Private
[Unit] => Company K, 15th Northwest Arkansas Infantry
[State] => Arkansas
[CardID] => 224
[Hnumber] =>
[Source] => Compiled Service Records of the Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M258, 123 rolls); War Department Collection of Confederate Records, Record Group 109; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
[Comment] =>
[Side] =>
otherwise, it will not be loaded with the record data.