We have an employment application on-line that works fine but we are having problems with the template. If I try to upload a Word template to represente the application, it runs off the page and I am unable to manipulate it so that it fits correctly. If I leave the template blank and allow the system to create the template, anyplace I have radio buttons pulls both answers and it appears as Yes Yes No Yes if they answer yes. Is there a way to convert the application to a pdf when it uploads to be e-mailed to try to eliminate some of these issues? or is there something else I can try to correct my issue?
Send to e-mail as PDF?
Hi kbanks,
You should edit the Email template to remove the duplicate values for the radio buttons. That should only take a few minutes: ChronoForms isn't clever enough to detect exactly what you want included.
Max does have a PDF creator action for ChronoForms v3 but I suspect that you would have the same problem with that.
You should edit the Email template to remove the duplicate values for the radio buttons. That should only take a few minutes: ChronoForms isn't clever enough to detect exactly what you want included.
Max does have a PDF creator action for ChronoForms v3 but I suspect that you would have the same problem with that.
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