
[Ask]Avoid member register using same data field?

thomaswnt 23 May, 2012
Please Help Me 😟 ,

I'm a newbie and started build a project usingJoomla 2.5 and Chronoforms v4.Two days I'm looking for answer about how to avoid member register twice or more with same data field and I can find the answer.

I already build a reigistration form with fields :
- Email
- Name
- Username
- Mobile Phone
- Hobby

Actually,I just want my members do not register again in the future with the same data like same email. The scenario I need is maybe like this,when someone input a email in registration form,if the email already or ever register before it will show a pop-up or error screen said something like this " Sorry,You already registered.Contact Our Administrator for Information" and the registration can't be process.

Thanks for any help. 😀

Note : Sorry for my Bad English 😟
GreyHead 26 May, 2012
Hi thomaswnt,

If you use the Joomla! Registration action then there will be automatic errors if there is a duplicate Email or Username.

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