Hi chrononauts,
I searched all over the forums but i couldn't find any info about the problem (there's an old post but i tried the 2 methods with no success), probably there is an easy solution for it, but I'm stuck with that form, and I would apreciatte any help please.
I use Chronoforms version 4.0 RC3.21 and Joomla 1.7.2
I need that the send button to show something like "processing form..." when you click on it, but the problem is with the validation (I think), because i am using an onsubmit event and seems to override validation.
On "Form tag attachment" i put this:
onsubmit="return dothis(crm);" were crm is the name of the chronoform form.
and on "Load JS" event I put that piece of code:
function dothis(crm)
document.crm.enviar.value = "Processing form..."; It's here where i have to put the validation, isn't it?
With this coding, i can send the form, and everything goes well until i left a blank field, it makes the validation, but the send button show "processing form..." and i don't want that, I need that the button don't change state until all fields are validated.
Thank you in advance!
I searched all over the forums but i couldn't find any info about the problem (there's an old post but i tried the 2 methods with no success), probably there is an easy solution for it, but I'm stuck with that form, and I would apreciatte any help please.
I use Chronoforms version 4.0 RC3.21 and Joomla 1.7.2
I need that the send button to show something like "processing form..." when you click on it, but the problem is with the validation (I think), because i am using an onsubmit event and seems to override validation.
On "Form tag attachment" i put this:
onsubmit="return dothis(crm);" were crm is the name of the chronoform form.
and on "Load JS" event I put that piece of code:
function dothis(crm)
document.crm.enviar.value = "Processing form..."; It's here where i have to put the validation, isn't it?
With this coding, i can send the form, and everything goes well until i left a blank field, it makes the validation, but the send button show "processing form..." and i don't want that, I need that the button don't change state until all fields are validated.
Thank you in advance!