
[SOLVED] Display "Processing form..." on the submit button

jun3on 23 May, 2012
Hi chrononauts,

I searched all over the forums but i couldn't find any info about the problem (there's an old post but i tried the 2 methods with no success), probably there is an easy solution for it, but I'm stuck with that form, and I would apreciatte any help please.

I use Chronoforms version 4.0 RC3.21 and Joomla 1.7.2

I need that the send button to show something like "processing form..." when you click on it, but the problem is with the validation (I think), because i am using an onsubmit event and seems to override validation.

On "Form tag attachment" i put this:

onsubmit="return dothis(crm);" were crm is the name of the chronoform form.

and on "Load JS" event I put that piece of code:

function dothis(crm)
document.crm.enviar.value = "Processing form...";
It's here where i have to put the validation, isn't it?


With this coding, i can send the form, and everything goes well until i left a blank field, it makes the validation, but the send button show "processing form..." and i don't want that, I need that the button don't change state until all fields are validated.

Thank you in advance!
GreyHead 23 May, 2012
Hi jun3on,

Please see this post which is about showing a 'loading' image, you should be able to adapt the code to change the Submit button text.

jun3on 24 May, 2012
Thank you Bob,

I'm gonna try it.
jun3on 24 May, 2012
Hi Bob,

I tried both solutions, but i couldn't get this to work, the samething happens 😈

I attach an image to see what happens:
You can see in the image on the middle, i press send button, and "Processing form.." appear and stay there like you can see in the right image of the form.

However I had to put this:

<div id="loading" style="display: none">Processing form...</div> 

inside the HTML code not in the Custom html like you said, it didn't work for me.

Any ideas about what's happening?
GreyHead 26 May, 2012
Hi jun3on,

I found an improved version of the loading gif code here that solves the validation problem.

jun3on 29 May, 2012
Hi Bob,

Finally I did it! Thank you very much!

I'm gonna put all things like I have it in my form:

First the button:
<input name="enviar" class="button" value="Enviar" type="submit" id="submit_btn"/>

Second, the "Load JS" in "OnLoad" events:

function showProcess(){
  $('submit_btn').disabled = true;
  $('submit_btn').value = 'Procesando formulario...';

And finally, the "Custom code" in "OnLoad" events:
$form->form_params->set('jsvalidation_onValidateSuccess', 'showProcess');
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