
Forms not sending admin email - Very Weird - Please Help

2amarketing 09 May, 2012
We have a website that we developed and we used Chrono Forms and hired a programmer to code complex forms at we have about 110 forms total on the site...

Since the site has been live (4 months) we have been notified over 20 times of admin emails not being received from the Speed order fulfilling team.

We received a call from a customer that used an IPAD to fill out a form. He received the "user" email but Speed Graffix did not receive a admin email. ([email]speed********[/email])

The customer sent us the user email that he received but again we the email admin was never received.

Below is the form url:

We have done some extensive testing on this particular form: ""

If we fill out the form with his EXACT form info we never get the admin email.
The only thing we could find that is a possible reason it not sening the admin emails is the customers email address being entered with a capital letter "Team*****" If we do lower case it works "team****"

If we do anything different with the form information IE add a character on the end of the text fields or change the name of another field it works.

If we leave the text fields as the same and we change all of any drop down fields it does not work.

Anytime any of the text fields are changed it works.

If I choose "NO" under "Want to add matching number kits" then it works with no other changes to the form information.

So weird...

Is there anything that can be done about this?

Here is the users form information:
"Name : Alex Millican
Phone Number : 2146*********
Day Phone Number: 972*******
E-mail Address: [email]Team*****[/email]

Shipping Address Street 1: Rr2 box 152
Address Street 2:
City: Marietta
State: OK
Zipcode: 73***

Shipping Method:$9.95 ups ground (US)
Bike Brand: Honda
Bike Model: Honda
Size: 450
Bike Year: 2012
Race Number: 707

Logo A:
Logo B: Maximma
Logo C: Renegade race gas
Logo A:
Logo B: Dunlop
Main Logo: Merge racing technologies
Logo B: Dallas Honda
Logo C: Dallas Honda
Logo D: Speed graffix
Logo E: Renegade race gas
Logo A: Dunlop
Logo B:
Logo C: Maximma
Logo D: Fly racing
Logo E: Wps
Logo F: Works connection
Logo G: Renthall
Logo H:
Logo A: Sunstar
Logo B: Merge
Pre-Made Kit Quantity : 2 Sets for 85cc & Larger ($289.99) Save $10
Add matching number kits?: yes
Number Kit Information :
Background Color: White
Number Style: Race
Number Color: Black Number
Design Color: Honda Red
Font: Race
Pre-Made Kit Quantity : 2 Sets for 85cc & Larger ($289.99) Save $10
Number Kit Quantity : 2 Sets for 85cc & Larger ($129.99) Save $10
Front Plate Text:
Side Number Text:
Order Add Ons : No Thanks
Special Request/Instructions: Mik it's Alex Millican please put the AMA logos on the side plates and I think it also goes on the front"
Max_admin 10 May, 2012

First or all, its not wise to post real email addresses on boards, I will clean that now.

So I understand that you are using the customer email address as the "From email" in your email settings ? if yes then please change that and use some address @ your domain instead, dynamic from emails cause problems in mail delivery usually.

Let me know if this helps.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 10 May, 2012
I want to note also that there should be almost no need to create 110 forms on a website, you can always use some PHP to alter one form stuff dynamically....
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
2amarketing 10 May, 2012
Ooops didn't not think of that.

I really wanted to not have 110 forms but the way the site is it required it with out spending way more money on a programmer. I am a basic html/css knowledgeable web designer.

Actually the from email [email]speed***[/email] is set up under the static tab as from and to. On our admin email there is nothing set up in the dynamic tab.

Max_admin 11 May, 2012
Try to use 2 different addresses for the to & from, this causes problems sometimes.

You may also try to change the "Mailing method" under the Joomla global config to SMTP

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 12 May, 2012
Hi 2amarketing,

Just adding to Max's post. Please test with

a) a From Email address that matches the domain name and

b) a To Email address that is different from the From Email address.

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