
problem with multilanguage

cescobiz 07 May, 2012
hi, i have build an online configurator with chronoform, is a multipage with multilanguage.
It works fine, but i have a problem with email result.
Result are a php if else page... but when multilanguage plugin is ON results not return on email correctly... only name, adress, telephone, ecc. but not products. I tried to make translation of all products.
this for all products and all language... but no result on email...
where i'm wrong ?
many thanks for help

here is the code:
<p><strong> Risultato prodotti dal configuratore on-line:</strong></p>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5">
  <!-- risposta 1.1 -->
if($posted['radio0'] == 'NO'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="1">cod.111 CRMVILLAGE VTE STD</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 3.1 -->
if($posted['radio2'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="2">cod. Migrazione</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 6.1 - 6.2 - 6.3 -->
if($posted['radio4'] == 'Mio server'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="3">cod.112 Installazione presso cliente su database MySQL oppure cod.137 Installazione presso cliente su database Oracle</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 -->
if($posted['radio9'] == '1-10'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="6">cod.130 Servizio Cloud LIGHT</label>';}
if($posted['radio9'] == '11-30'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="7">cod.131 Servizio Cloud STANDARD</label>';}
if($posted['radio9'] == '31-100'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="8">cod.131 Servizio Cloud PROFESSIONAL</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 9.1 -->
if($posted['radio10'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="9">cod.129 CRMVILLAGE VTE GOLD</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 11 -->
if($posted['radio8'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="10">cod.115 Integrazione STANDARD</label>';}
if($posted['radio8'] == 'NO'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="11">cod.116 Integrazione via ODBC</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 12.1 -->
if($posted['radio11'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="12">cod.118 Offline</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 14.1 - 14.2 -->
if($posted['radio12'] == 'SI, ma sto usando MAIL-UP'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="13">cod.128 Integrazione MAIL-UP</label>';}
if($posted['radio12'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="14">cod.119 NEWSLETTER</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 15 -->
if($posted['radio13'] == '5000'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="15">cod. SMTP1</label>';}
if($posted['radio13'] == '10000'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="16">cod. SMTP2</label>';}
if($posted['radio13'] == '20000'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="17">cod. SMTP3</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 16.1 -->
if($posted['radio14'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="18">cod. Prepagato 1000 FAX</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 17.1 -->
if($posted['radio15'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="19">cod. Prepagato 1000 SMS</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 18.1 -->
if($posted['radio16'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="20">cod.120 Mail Connector</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 19.1 -->
if($posted['radio17'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="21">cod.127 Active Sync</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 20.1 -->
if($posted['radio18'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="22">cod.121 Mail Query</label>';}
  <!-- risposta 21.1 -->
if($posted['radio19'] == 'SI'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="23">cod.114 Tutoring online oppure cod.126 Giornata di formazione</label>';}
<!-- end dati inseriti -->

<p><strong>Partner scelto:</strong></p>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5">
if($posted['check0'] == 'Kirateck Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check00">Kirateck Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check1'] == 'QSA di Cortiana M'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check01">QSA di Cortiana M</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check2'] == 'Arcadia Tecnologie Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check02">Arcadia Tecnologie Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check3'] == 'Beta80 SpA'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check03">Beta80 SpA</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check4'] == 'Durante SpA'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check04">Durante SpA</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check5'] == 'Everis Italia SpA'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check05">Everis Italia SpA</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check6'] == 'Project Team Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check06">Project Team Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check7'] == 'CED Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check07">CED Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check8'] == 'Infodati Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check08">Infodati Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check9'] == 'Kproconsulting di Riflessi F.'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check09">Kproconsulting di Riflessi F.</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check10'] == 'B2A Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check10">B2A Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check11'] == 'e-Cons Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check11">e-Cons Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check12'] == 'Pietro Rivi'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check12">Pietro Rivi</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check13'] == 'Scamper Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check13">Scamper Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check14'] == 'Readytec SpA'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check14">Readytec SpA</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check15'] == 'Asernet Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check15">Asernet Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check16'] == 'IT&T Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check16">IT&T Srl</label></td></tr>';}
if($posted['check17'] == 'Digital Network Srl'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="check17">Digital Network Srl</label></td></tr>';}

<p><strong>Dati del richiedente:</strong></p>
<table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="5">
    <td width="40%">Nome:</td>
    <td>N° Utenti CRM:</td>
cescobiz 07 May, 2012
forgot version: running chronoform V3 on Joomla! 1.5.26

thanks again

cescobiz 09 May, 2012
no one can help me ? 😶
GreyHead 15 May, 2012
Hi cescobiz ,

Sorry for the dealy I was away last week.

I don't remember if the Multi-Language plug-in in CFv3 ever worked with the Email. I'd fix this by defining a language array and using a switch statement to select (or include) the correct version:
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$tag = $lang->getTag();
switch ( $tag ) {
  case 'en-GB':
   $text_array = array(
     'cod.111 CRMVILLAGE VTE STD' => 'cod.111 CRMVILLAGE VTE STD',
     'cod.130 Servizio Cloud LIGHT' => 'cod.130 Servizio Cloud LIGHT'
. . .
if($posted['radio9'] == '1-10'){echo ' <tr><td><label for="6">'.$text_array['cod.130 Servizio Cloud LIGHT'].'</label>';}


cescobiz 28 May, 2012
thanks for reply Bob, i'll try your solution, thanks again.

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