
Installing ChronoForms v4 actions - unique id -> fail

ms_buggy 04 May, 2012
I'm trying to install CF Unique Id -action to CH 4.0 RC3.3( )

On the actions main page says: "To install the actions download the file from here and use the Install Action icon in the Forms Manager toolbar for ChronoForms v4 RC3.0 or later"
This gives me an error 500 every time when trying to upload .zip file to CF manager, all the folders should be writeable.

This is no problem if I could do a manual installation.
On the Unique ID page, installation quide says: "To install this action unzip the file and copy the files to the administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/load_user_info_gh folder on your site."

Should I create the folder 'load_user_info_gh' ? In the zip file the folder is 'unique_id_gh'
So I'm not sure about the current path, should it be:
1. administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/load_user_info_gh
2. administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/load_user_info_gh/unique_id_gh
3. Or something else?

Also could you point me me the location of this action on the wizard management panel. So I would be sure that the installation has failed (I'm quite sure I have searched everywhere from both section elements and actions in the wizard panel.
GreyHead 04 May, 2012
Hi ms_buggy,

First the reference to the 'load_user_info_gh' folder is a red herring caused by me copying and pasting and not checking enough. I apologise,; it should be the 'unique_id_gh' folder i.e. the same as the folder in the zip file. (I'll go and fix this now.)

Manual installation is to copy the 'unique_id_gh' folder in the zip file to the administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions folder.

If you've got the most recent version of the action it will be in the [GH] Custom Actions group on the Actions tab in the Advanced Wizard. (Max renamed a lot of the groups in the last release so I gave up trying to put my actions in his groups.)

ms_buggy 07 May, 2012
Excellent, renamed the folder and found the action from the actions! Thank you so much!
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