I want to ask, how can i email the path of upload folder? Because i`ve set the upload folder name by e-mail field, and i needed date and time of upload action too, i`ve made one hack into upload_files_gh.php.
So because of that i can't simply get the {field_name}but i need a way with php to get the $upload_path into the e-mail template.
Hope You understand me🙂
I want to ask, how can i email the path of upload folder? Because i`ve set the upload folder name by e-mail field, and i needed date and time of upload action too, i`ve made one hack into upload_files_gh.php.
if ( $params->get('upload_path') ) {
$upload_path = $form->curly_replacer($params->get('upload_path'), array_merge($form->data, $curly_array));
$upload_path = $upload_path . date('dmYHi');
$upload_path = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), DS, $upload_path).DS;
$upload_path = str_replace(DS.DS, DS, $upload_path);
$upload_path = str_replace('@', '_', $upload_path);
} else {...
So because of that i can't simply get the {field_name}but i need a way with php to get the $upload_path into the e-mail template.
Hope You understand me🙂