
Datepicker: change date format to

eumelchen98 27 Apr, 2012
Hello chronoengine community,

I'm completely new to chronoforms. I have joomla 2.5.4 running on my localhost via xampp and installed the chronoforms script V4 RC3.3. I have already put some textboxes and stuff together in a form an everything works fine so far. My problem is the datetime picker. I put the box in my wizard an changed it to mootools picker and vista style. No problem so far. But how can I change the output of the date format to
I searched forums and everything I tried doesn't work. It all ended in the format yyyy-mm-dd. So where do I have to change something to get the output I want?
Many thanks in advance to all who wanna help...

eumelchen98 14 May, 2012
Hi Bob,
thank you for your quick answer and excuse my late feedback now.
I've tried everything you wrote in your mentioned post, but nothing will work.
Is it possible that I have a different version of chronoforms than the one you are talking of in your post?
I can't find the same data structure in my installation, for example the administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/show_html/cfaction_show_htmp.php where I should change the loadDatePickerScripts is impossible to find.
I use joomla 2.5.4 an the chronoforms V4 RC3.3.
I have 2 screenshots here that will show you that the changes I tried to save doesn't work.

What do I do wrong?
Many thanks for your help
GreyHead 14 May, 2012
Hi eumelchen98,

You have selected the MooTools Datepicker (that wasn't an option when I wrote that post) and that uses a different style of format string format: '%d %m %Y'

See here for a list of the format options.

eumelchen98 14 May, 2012
Ok thank you very much, that works so far. But how can I change the complete language format of the datepicker? I want the months and days in german format too. I rad your list with the format options, but there ist no hind for changing the days and months an my knowledge of mootools isn't good enough to get this worked out... Sorry for that ;-)
GreyHead 14 May, 2012
Hi eumelchen98,

Set a locale by putting Locale.use('de-DE'); in a Load JS action in the On Load event.

eumelchen98 14 May, 2012
Hey bob thank you thank you thank you :-)
I've already tried that but I must have done something wrong...
Now everything works fine.

When do you think the problem with the star * for required fields will be automated in the script?
drdr 19 Jul, 2012

Set a locale by putting Locale.use('de-DE'); in a Load JS action in the On Load event.


Can you explain in more detail in what file and how to do this?
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2012
Hi drdr,

Err . . . no, there isn't much else to say. Except perhaps that if you are using the Easy Wizard there's a JS box on the Code tab.

drdr 20 Jul, 2012
Ok, how about this line should look like? Something like this?:
onLoad=/path-to-mysite/components/com_chronoforms/js/datepicker_moo/ ?

or onLoad=Locale.use('de-DE'); ?
I want to try put this line somewhere in index.php
GreyHead 20 Jul, 2012
Hi drdr,

Neither of those will do anything useful. Please just follow the directions in the earlier post.

And change the tag from de-DE to ru-RU if that is what you need.

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