
submit date and time in email

Bartelli 09 Apr, 2008
Is there a possibility to add the submit date and time in the email template?

At the end of the mail there is the sender's ip. But I would also like to see exactly when the form was sent.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2008
Hi Bartelli,

The date and time of the email will tell you that.

If you want it in the email as well then you can use the php date() function to add it.

Max_admin 09 Apr, 2008
Hi Bartelli,

As Bob said, at the end of the template, write this line :

<?php echo date("Y m dd"); ?>

Regarding the parameters string, you can google date() and you will get all info!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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