
Blank Page both Front and Backend?

syco 18 Apr, 2012
HI Grey,

Just installed the latest version ... which installed fine... then created a simple form.

Then when I click on the "Frontview" in the back end, then I get a BLANK page.
Never seen this before? Is there are bugs you or Max are aware of?

I building this on a Rockettheme Template, and they have a new Extension - called RokSprocket Module which I'm using... bout outside that it's the Latest Joomla.. and I have checked this forum where you mention it's probably a php issue, so I did what you mentioned to turn on Maximum Debugging, but I can't see any info re errors and the page is still blank?

I don't access to the php.ini file as it's on a Zeus server.

I've created a MENU link called "TEST" on the site so we can work on this.

GreyHead 18 Apr, 2012
Hi syco,

When you say a 'blank' page do you mean a completely empty page - all white; or one like the 'test' page where the template is present but there is no form?

I would say that there is no form on the test page. There is absolutely no trace of anything from ChronoForms at all.

What is the 'frontend view' link for this form?

judyksp 18 Apr, 2012
I am facing the same problem. Only template and Powered by Chronoforms is shown. The actual form is not shown at all.
ptk013 18 Apr, 2012
I have just had the same thing happen.
We initially created a template in J15 then migrated it to J17
The Chronoform was showing in the J15 setup but does not in J17 even though we have updated chronoform to the latest version.

Any ideas?

ptk013 18 Apr, 2012
Just like to add that the once you choose another menu item the form is submitted to the relevant email address. So it is a viewing problem?
GreyHead 18 Apr, 2012
Hi Phil,

Hard to say, all that is there is the title and a hidden strap-line.

You may need to drag a Show HTML action into the On Load event of your form. Please see the video 'A First Form' at

judyksp 18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Bob. It is working fine now.
syco 18 Apr, 2012
Hi Bob,

What you see by clicking on the TEST menu TAB is identical to what I see if you click on the Frontview link in the backend.

There 'IS' a Form linked to the TEST Menu tab called 'contact_us' ... and I agree there is NO Trace of any ChronoForms... that's why I have contacted you via the forum.

All the parameters are in the form like name, address, email, etc ... but I get a Blank page when I try to look at it from the front...

Would you like me set up a login to the site... I can PM these to you if you like?
GreyHead 19 Apr, 2012
Hi syco,

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

syco 19 Apr, 2012
I've PM'd the details... do you need FTP as well?
GreyHead 19 Apr, 2012
Hi syco,

Fixed, for the third time in this thread:

You probably need to drag a Show HTML action into the On Load event of your form. Please see the video 'A First Form' at

syco 19 Apr, 2012
Wow, sorry Bob,

I misunderstood that part.. because I haven't had to do this in the past..?? (Have I?)
Plus when I check in the contact_us forms html section... I saw the forms coding there... my bad sorry to stuff you around.

GreyHead 19 Apr, 2012
Hi syco,

No, that is new in CFv4.

aef03 04 Sep, 2012
Ahhh... Having to add this display HTML element makes for a very undesirable first experience for both new and long time users - would suggest that the events default to having this one already entered.
Max_admin 04 Sep, 2012

The advanced wizard gives you full freedom over the actions to run, so we can't add something by default, on the hand, the easy wizard loads some stuff by default, including this one.

Max, ChronoForms developer
ChronoMyAdmin: Database administration within Joomla, no phpMyAdmin needed.
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