
There is no form with this name (revisited)

nassausky 14 Apr, 2012
The setup:

Website#1 [which is a not a joomla website] includes a form which on submit posts the following action ""

Website#2 [joomla 1.5] which has chronoform v3.2 installed accepts the post every other time but the first time it's submitted. The first time the form is filled out on Website#1, it returns with the error message "There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished..." Every time after that it seems to function correctly and adds information to a database and every other function of it works.

Why revisited:
OK I revisited this topic after looking at quite a few people usually having the problem because of an odd named form name. Usually dashes in the name. This form name is a simple character string. It's really puzzling me and the client is going live in a day.

Thanks for any help.
GreyHead 14 Apr, 2012
Hi nassausky,

Normally you can't submit a form remotely which is what you are trying to do. There is a security token set to check that is not happening.

The official way to do this is to post to task=extra and use the Extra Code boxes but then you don't have access to email, db connection, etc. Though of course those can be hand-coded.

You could try turning off the Security Key option on the Form General tab but I'm not sure that this will be enough.

nassausky 14 Apr, 2012
The crazy thing is that it works all the time perfectly except for the first time the form is submitted from me. After it gives the error I go back to the home page then access the form again to test it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time and it's working.

I'm sorry I forgot to mention that I do have checkToken turned off
nassausky 14 Apr, 2012
What's the order of events that happen before chronoforms posts that error message? "There is no form with this name"? or the location of code that I can look into?

nassausky 14 Apr, 2012
OK I believe I got it solved. So website#1 is sending the post to website#2 and it's creating a csv file as well as writing to the database without errors.

The solution:

My original post command line:

the working one I had to put the 'task=send' as the last parameter of the post as so:

Adding here just some search keyword phrases which would have helped me in my search:
Sending results to another website
Processing an external form
Submitting to a different website
GreyHead 14 Apr, 2012
Hi nassausky,

Well found. I'm surprised that the parameter order in the query string makes any difference. I wouldn't have thought of that.

nassausky 14 Apr, 2012
Well you were right. I don't know what magic was happening last night that I got it to work on the first submission by reversing the post url but it once again is giving the error on the first submission. That's just so odd. It would take way too much work to redo the code to use the 'extra' post.

Thanks again.
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