
form wizard in V4 fails with second form

christian.gibson 12 Apr, 2012
Trying to learn Chronoforms using V4 with WAMPserver site. My first form works okay. But now I cannot create another form. If I try clicking 'new' then I get the general tab. Fill in form name and on the code tab choose form type wizard. Save new form and then open the form with the wizard.
I can only drag 2 elements into the drop frame. The box does not expand to show more elements after I try to drag another element. Also after clicking on an element to drag to the drop frame, the element disappears from the drag frame.
Trying to drag actions (e.g. drag 'show HTML' to 'on load) also doesn't work. Nothing appears in the drop frame and the action 'show HTML' disappears from the drag frame.
I then delete the form and try again, this time creating the form directly from the wizard, without starting by clicking the 'new'. The same problems occur. It seems as if the wizard is somehow gone completely haywire
Any ideas what could be wrong?
GreyHead 12 Apr, 2012
Hi christian.gibson,

Sorry, nothing helpful to suggest. It sounds like a JavaScript problem but I don't know what the problem or the cure is. I run my test sites on XAMPP across a local network without any major problems.

christian.gibson 13 Apr, 2012
Hi Bob
Tried everything but the drag and drop in the advanced Wizard fails to work properly. Finally I copied the Joomla 25 scripts and the databases to a new wampserver on another Win7 computer and everything worked okay.
I assumed I must have been working with a corrupted WAMPserver installation but finally I discovered that that was not the problem at all. It was simply caused by my Google Chrome browser! On the other computer I used Firefox. When I tried the Chronoform V4 wizard with Firefox on the first computer it worked ok.
I then deleted Chrome on the first computer, restarted windows and then reinstalled Chrome from a new download. I tried the Chronoform wizard again with the new Chrome installation and the old problems with drag and drop recurred (elements disappear from the drag frame, the drop frame does not expand to accept more than 2 elements and actions cannot be dropped in the drop frame).
Perhaps this could be a Chrome problem? Chrome seems to browse using https protocol by default, which is not the case with Firefox.
GreyHead 14 Apr, 2012
Hi christian.gibson ,

I usually use FireFox for Forms Management but I just tried Chrome and have no problem with dragging and dropping :-( I was able to add an Event Switcher inside an Event Switcher inside an Event Switcher.

Running Chrome 19.0 on Windows 7 64 bit using Xammp local server.

In fact Chrome is rather better than FireFox and I may switch over.

Max_admin 27 Apr, 2012

I think that this might have been a browser cache or a website cache issue, did you try to clear them both when you had the issue ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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