I use 4.0 RC3.3 Version of chronoform
Hi bkdesing,
That comment <!-- looks odd. What do you have in the Email template. Those are HTML entities showing for the Greek characters so that would probably display correctly if the comment wasn't there.
Hi bkdesign,
The <!-- is from your first post here. I'm still not sure where that comes from.
The Rich text editor is using the standard MCE editor I think, is it possible to set that not to convert to HTML entities?
There are other users here with Greek and other character sets who don't seem to have this problem; I'm not sure what to suggest :-(
i cant find <!-- anywhere i cant understand the problem too 🙄
try to click the small "html" icon and see if the code there is correct and use it ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?