
trying to use example #3 load one row from DB table

robertbrandes 10 Apr, 2012
I cannot find how to get the cf_uid loaded using the token request param. Where do I put the ff21195... (the actually one from the database) so that it will get loaded into the command line when the page gets loaded. The problem that I have is step #11. How do I put "the token parm in the link", where? how?

I do not know the step that i missed, Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Max_admin 11 Apr, 2012
Hi Bob,

You should pass this in your form url, manually OR by generating the link itself, I mean, you can access your form at:

that link will not load the record, but you have to change it to

you can ask your user to add the "?token=xyz" chunk by hand (this is not practical of course) or generate a list of links with that already added for your users.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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