i want to create a register form for joomla website that dynamic by business type.
i mean that i have 5 types of businesses(restaurant,shopping...) and i want that in the form after the user choose the business type the form will change to be with the match fields and when register he will be in the match group of users..
how can i do it?
and by the way there is any tutorial about the Dynamic Drop-down ?
thank you for your help i very need it
i want to create a register form for joomla website that dynamic by business type.
i mean that i have 5 types of businesses(restaurant,shopping...) and i want that in the form after the user choose the business type the form will change to be with the match fields and when register he will be in the match group of users..
how can i do it?
and by the way there is any tutorial about the Dynamic Drop-down ?
thank you for your help i very need it