Max released a new version 4 RC3.3 of the Extension for both Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6/1.7/2.5 The current plug-in and module version is v4 RC3.0
Please upgrade if you are using any earlier ChronoForms v4 release as there are bug-fixes in the release. You can upgrade ChronoForms v4 by installing the new release over the existing one.
There is a bug & fix list for this release here.
Note: a full list of Forms actions is here
Changes in CFv4 RC 3.3
These are in the order that I found them by doing a file comparison with RC 3.21; not in order of importance.
[list=a]New 'Full Screen' icon on the Forms Manager toolbar - useful for long forms where you need to move elements or actions around.
New 'Test Form' icon in the Forms Manager Toolbar in Wizard - displays the form in a new browser tab without the template
Improved and more compact Form Wizard CSS
Updated tooltip display for action and elements in the Wizard
Updated tooltip content for actions and elements in the Wizard
Added User group inheritance and 'denied groups' to the Authenticator action
New 'Power Fields' action group for actions that enhance form elements
New 'Anti Spam' action group for Captcha and Security Question actions
New 'Redirect/Remote Submit' action group for HTTP Request, Redirect and cURL actions
New 'Validation' action group for client and server-side validation actions
Permission updates to ChronoConnectivity action
Added titles option, option to add data to the $post file and to load file selector(?) to the CSV Export [GH] action
Bug fix to the MooDatepicker 'Pick only' option
Updated plug-in helper action for Joomla! 1.5
Added 'disguise' mode to Show HTML action (?? "the event will be used as a task for the parent app" ??)
Debug update to Pane/Panel handling in the HTML helper
Select element renamed to 'Drop Down'
New function in controller to delete temp files (??)
Various other changes and bug-fixes [/list:o]
Please upgrade if you are using any earlier ChronoForms v4 release as there are bug-fixes in the release. You can upgrade ChronoForms v4 by installing the new release over the existing one.
There is a bug & fix list for this release here.
Note: a full list of Forms actions is here
Changes in CFv4 RC 3.3
These are in the order that I found them by doing a file comparison with RC 3.21; not in order of importance.