I am not getting a download but getting an error when testing a pop up form created with v4:
The debugger says file path does not exist, but when using that address in the browser it does. Any thoughts?
I also do not like having my site background image inside the pop up iframe. I tried setting a style to get rid of it but no luck.
Warning: mime_content_type() [function.mime-content-type]: Failed identify data 0:(null) in /home/abcpacka/public_html/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/file_downloader/file_downloader.php on line 194
Data Array:
[tmpl] => component
[chronoform] => squeezebox1
[event] => submit
[option] => com_chronoforms
[Itemid] =>
[Name] => JJ Spelman
[input_text_3] => jjspelman@j2studio.com
[input_text_5] => J2 Studio
[input_text_4] => 813-228-0358
[input_checkbox_11] => 1
[input_submit_8] => Get the Brochure
[ac9aacf546b4d1cc6a0d54b1724e3d3a] => 1
Validation Errors:
Thank you, JJ Spelman, for taking the time to contact us. We will be in touch immediately. Debug Data
An email has been SENT successfully from (ABC)webmaster@abcpackagingdev.com to jjspelman@j2studio.com
Please register below to receive M206.pdf to your email address.
* All fields are required.
Name {input_text_0}
Email jjspelman@j2studio.com
Company J2 Studio
Phone 813-228-0358
Please contact me 1
Submitted by
array ( )
The file path doesn't exist: http://www.abcpackagingdev.com/images/brochures/abc-rev.pdf
The debugger says file path does not exist, but when using that address in the browser it does. Any thoughts?
I also do not like having my site background image inside the pop up iframe. I tried setting a style to get rid of it but no luck.