
PayPal redirect, thanks message and send data after paid

admarksrl 06 Apr, 2012
Hi, i've correctly set paypal redirect in my form, opening paypal page in a new target with right amount. Now i need to:
1. show a thanks message in the original target after submit
2. send email with form data only if user paid amount on paypal

is it possibile? best regards
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2012
Hi admarksrl,

1) You can send a Return URl to PayPal and make that go to a Thank You page (it can be a ChronoForms link but doesn't have to be).

2) Not with standard PayPal - they don't send you any info about the success of the payment. There's just a Cancel URL (if the user cancels before paying) and a Return URL. If you use one of the API systems: IPN, CheckOut Express, PayPal Pro, etc. then you can get a success/failure message returned.

admarksrl 06 Apr, 2012
Ok perfect but i need to change the form page after the submit, also the home page would be ok. how can i do this? best regards
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2012
Hi admarksrl,

i need to change the form page after the submit

Please explain that a bit more ?

admarksrl 07 Apr, 2012
clicking submit i need happen two "actions"
1. redirect to paypal in a new target (this is ok)
2. show a thanks message (or simply homepage) in same target (how can setting this?)

best regards
admarksrl 17 Apr, 2012
Hi, have news about it? tx, best regards
GreyHead 18 Apr, 2012
Hi admarksrl ,

I'm not clear what you want . . . you can't redirect the user to two palces at the same time?

You can add a Return URL to the PayPal link to bring them back to a Thank You page after paying.

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