com_chronoforms [chronoform] => dodatkowe [event] => submit [Itemid] => [pokaz_name] => Operator Drugi [pokaz_email] => [komorkowy] => 1234 [szkola_id] => 90004 [cf_uid] => 44 [input_submit_3] => Zapisz [fdf8cd5da72ba16aa34061d321392341] => 1)The lines [komorkowy] => 1234 [szkola_id] => 90004 [cf_uid] => 44are fields to be stored in:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `addnl_users` ( `cf_uid` int(11) NOT NULL, `komorkowy` varchar(9) NOT NULL, `szkola_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cf_uid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;What could be reason that despite matching names update works and insert does not?I could send the form and the table if someone could take a look...Henryk"> CF V4 does not create record - Forums


CF V4 does not create record

bighen 06 Apr, 2012
I have a problem quite odd.
My form does not create a new record, while updates existing one.
I have additional info about users stored in additional table "addnl_users".
When user has the record in it the form saves changes correctly.
If the user does not have the record nothing happens...

Here is debugger output:
Data Array:

    [option] => com_chronoforms
    [chronoform] => dodatkowe
    [event] => submit
    [Itemid] => 
    [pokaz_name] => Operator Drugi
    [pokaz_email] =>
    [komorkowy] => 1234
    [szkola_id] => 90004
    [cf_uid] => 44
    [input_submit_3] => Zapisz
    [fdf8cd5da72ba16aa34061d321392341] => 1

The lines
[komorkowy] => 1234
[szkola_id] => 90004
[cf_uid] => 44
are fields to be stored in:
  `cf_uid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `komorkowy` varchar(9) NOT NULL,
  `szkola_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`cf_uid`)

What could be reason that despite matching names update works and insert does not?

I could send the form and the table if someone could take a look...

GreyHead 06 Apr, 2012
Hi Henryk,

There's no sign of a DB Save action in the Debug output?

If you turn on Site Debug temporarily you should see all of the MySQL queries being run when you submit the form. Take a look and see what the save query looks like - if necessary you can test it with PHPMyAdmin.

bighen 06 Apr, 2012
Dear Bob,
Thanks for a good tip about Debug Console.
Silly thing I never used it before,
though managed to set whole Eclipse PDT enviroment to chase some bugs...

The problem was related somehow to the table structure (maybe field name conflict ???)
I recreated the form as simple one without creating select from database etc
and created the table with the wizard.
So I've got working set of form-table inserting records properly.
Then used my original form with "insert" problem binding it to the fresh made table.
Now I've got form inserting records like ... every time I submit it...
So now I'm gonna read all posts about "records not updated" and hopefully get it working

Thanks for your help.
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